June 09, 2005

Quiet Time

I've come to love two o'clock in the afternoon. For about an hour, the house is usually quiet. The girls are both napping and The Boy is either reading, watching a video or entertaining himself in some other fashion. All is still.

Until schedules change and this no longer happens, I enjoy a brief moment or two to myself. I certainly could use the time to clean house, fold laundry or something else necessary, but instead it is usually my time to read on the computer or pick up a book. Sometimes, I even grab a short nap of my own. If there is work that must be done, I count on this time as my chance to do it.

I love two o'clock. Time with my children is precious, of course. You have to say that and I do mean it. I love this short time in the middle of the day though, when silence reigns and the world grows still. When things happen and we can't be home for the daily time of peace, my whole day seems thrown off.

Here's to quiet time. There sometimes seems to be so little of it in the world. I'm going to get a cup of tea and enjoy it until somebody wakes up.


I raise my cup of tea to you! I also enjoy the 2 o'clock hour. But I guess our time zones are off by an hour, right? So really, your hour starts at 1pm Central time. Well, anyway, the thought is there!

Posted by: angie at June 10, 2005 07:06 AM

I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds it difficult to do something "productive" with naptime!

Posted by: Lenise at June 10, 2005 08:25 AM

Since I work, my fovorite quiet time at home is between 6:30 and 8:15 when I let him sleep while I get ready, have my coffee, read my email and check out some things on the computer, oh, and I get to watch him sleep... it is very sweet to watch him sleep!

Posted by: Blair at June 10, 2005 09:57 AM

that was AM!

Posted by: Blair at June 10, 2005 09:57 AM

Angie, we're in Central time here.

Blair, I only dream of the day when any of my children will sleep until 8:15. Sort of. The Boy can't do that during the school year, but I sure would love it if he and the two girls slept in on the weekends.

Posted by: Jordana at June 10, 2005 10:19 AM

Well, I pay a rather steep price to try to get the time (it doesn't always happen)... I have to keep him from napping in the late afternoon, when he gets home from baby school and well into the night... which usually means he is overly tired and a bit tough to get to sleep... but I have found that that time is so worth it... during the week I let him do as he needs to... poor Squink, he won't know what to do when he is older!

Posted by: Blair at June 10, 2005 10:01 PM