December 29, 2006

I May Be Sick, But...

I can wear size 10 pants again! Not that I wouldn't like to drop another couple of sizes, but it is a great start to be down that far in two months. Breastfeeding is a wonderful thing for so many reasons.


I got down that last size or two via two stomach flus. I don't recommend this method, but I must say it was quite effective.

We are currently visiting with my brothers-in-law, one of whom can't stop mentioning every time he sees a picture of me with the newborn Squid, "Wow, Jordana, you've lost a lot of weight!" Um, thanks!

Posted by: Another Jordana at December 30, 2006 09:57 AM

I wish it had worked that well for me! But I blame the bed rest on that.
I am so impressed on how fast you "bounce back", how very wonderful.

Posted by: Blair at December 30, 2006 10:38 PM

Yay, breastfeeding, yay!

(After two babies, I am currently wearing the size I did my sophomore year in high school and never since.)

Posted by: kristen at December 31, 2006 10:19 PM