November 06, 2004

Ho-Hum, Nothing Much Going On Around Here...

Actually there really isn't much happening. There is a lot of baby watching on my part and she's doing the three things babies do best -- eating, sleeping and excreting. Otherwise, the older two are being pretty good and generally tolerating the new addition well.

The Boy takes it all in stride and has gotten out his sling and a baby doll -- his dad probably fears that I'm turning him into Alan Alda, but I'm not too worried. The Boy was a little worried that he couldn't breastfeed his baby because he didn't "have a wife," but he decided he could use a sportsbottle instead -- being the militant breastfeeder, I don't actually have any bottles around.

The Bigger Girl is being sweet as well and loves to "hold" her sister and sniff her hair and then declare, "Mmmm. 'Mell good." Being surplanted as the baby in the family isn't entirely easy though and she is more prone to nasty tantrums than before. She hasn't taken anything out on the tiny one though. It is amazing to me how my teeny-tiny two year old could have gotten so huge overnight. I saw it last time with The Boy, but it seems even more striking this time.

It sure was nice to have a baby daughter and see the candidate I wanted win all in just a two day span. It has been a good week.


lol! Love the sports bottle thing! I'm an avid breast-feeding advocate, too. God knew what He was doing. I'm thankful that bottles exist for those women who can't breastfeed, and for daddies to have the occasional delight of getting to feed their little ones.

Posted by: Kim at November 7, 2004 02:22 PM

My husband and I have a deal that I fill them up and he cleans them up. :) He's really never cared about feeding them, but I know a lot of dads really take pleasure in doing so and there are a lot of other reasons to bottle-feed. Both of my older ones probably got one bottle each, when we went out somewhere, but we're boring enough that that's about all we went out during their babyhoods without them.

Posted by: Jordana at November 7, 2004 04:58 PM

Hey, good deal! Mine never liked bottles or pacies. They wanted Momma only, which made it difficult to leave the house without them. We did get out now and then, but it was only for 2 hours at a time. I just love breastfeeding. A blessing in so many ways.

Posted by: Kim at November 7, 2004 10:33 PM

This is starting to sound like my house. Neither child would take a bottle (even filled with breast milk), so I got out of the feeding part. It's not like I got to sleep in anyway, but I got the output without the input too.

Posted by: skinnydan at November 8, 2004 08:33 AM

Oh she is a sweetie, and I'm sorry I didn't stop in before to say Mazel Tov; I didn't get a heads up. What a beautiful little miracle.

It is odd how big the older one's seem. I remember that with my kids; expecially between the oldest and her brother.

Mazel Tov! and may she live till 120 years, all in good health of body, mind, heart and soul.

Posted by: Rachel Ann at November 8, 2004 09:49 AM

Babies in the house tend to be so entertaining and time consuming that you just don't get out much, besides shopping for food and other essentials.

The best part about feeding a baby, after a successful burping (just air with a minimum amount of liquid or none at all coming up) is when the baby falls asleep on your chest and you don't have to go anywhere for awhile. I miss the sound, smell and warmth of those times, but I thank God for the time I was blessed to experience that.

Posted by: MarcV at November 8, 2004 10:13 AM

And don't you love feeling thinner?!??!

Posted by: Melissa at November 8, 2004 01:28 PM