February 16, 2005
How Is Bea Doing?
How Is Bea Doing?
Marc e-mailed me the other day and asked about the baby. I can report that she is doing just fine. She's 3 1/2 months old now, which seems amazing. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. She's still just a roly-poly lump of a thing, but really wants to sit up, roll over and probably chase after her older siblings.
Her hemangioma is still growing, but hasn't yet become as extremely huge as some I've seen pictures of. At the moment I can stick a hat on her and avoid all the pitying looks and questions about what I did to her head. I even did what I generally think of as a bad, bad thing and bought a baby headband to stick on her once in a while. I try not to make a big deal about it one way or another, but I guess I've still sent the wrong message to the bigger kids, because one day while we were driving in the van, her hat slipped off and my son screeched, "Oh no. Her hat came off and we don't want anyone to see her birthmark."
I didn't know how to explain that while in general I don't want anyone to see her birthmark, it wasn't a mark of shame, nor something to be embarrassed by. I guess I have pretty mixed up feelings about it myself. We don't generally expect to see blemishes on babies and so they are a shock. I wish neither she nor I had to go through her having a big red lump on her forehead, but she does have it. She's still a bringer of joy and beauty into this house though and when she smiles the world lights up. I wouldn't trade her for a dozen babies without a birthmark, but I still hope the day that this one fades will come quickly.

Even etymologically precocious children are not likely to grasp nuances like "we're putting Bea's hat on so we don't have to explain her life story to strangers, not because we're ashamed". I doubt it's your fault!
Posted by: Lenise at February 16, 2005 03:56 PMBea's smile is contagious! You can explain away that spot by saying she received a special touch from God.
You're right to be concerned about your other youngsters and the perception they have, as it relates to how they deal with other people. That's one of the joys of parenthood.
Posted by: MarcV at February 16, 2005 04:09 PMShe is positively beautiful. What a fabulous smile... I can almost hear the giggle.
Posted by: chris at February 16, 2005 08:49 PMShe is a charmer.
That boy of Chris' is about as handsome as they come, too. I know it's awfully early ...
Posted by: Janis Gore at February 16, 2005 09:55 PMOh, Jordana, what a bundle of joy.
Posted by: Earth Girl at February 18, 2005 06:02 AMMayhem #1 was very roly poly too. It seemed like she had half a dozen chins and extra elbows. As long as she was happy and making those happy noises I could handle anything. It's the crying, even when they're big, that kills me.
Posted by: Mercy at February 18, 2005 12:24 PMI agree. She's a cutie-pie, alright! Say, I have a cutie-pie 9 month old living with me here. Are you opposed to arranged marriages? ;)
We have some friends who (have) had a daughter with the same kind of birthmark, but it was smack dab between her eyes. I'm happy to report that that girl is now 6 years old and not a trace of the birthmark remains.
Posted by: angie at February 19, 2005 01:10 PM