April 01, 2005

A Visitor

Someone has moved onto my front porch.


Update: My husband informs me that I need to provide more pictoral context for where our birdie visitor is living.

frontdoor.jpg closertobird.jpg


Right next to the door? Poor thing'll go crazy, with all the traffic so close by.

Maybe you should move the red heart-shaped basket somewhere else, so the birds will have more peace.

Posted by: Tom Jackson at April 1, 2005 06:12 PM

I puzzled over the first picture, trying to figure out what it was, so hubby was right!

Posted by: Earth Girl at April 2, 2005 07:19 AM

Birds seem bound and determined to nest on our porch. Every year they try to build nests in our porch lights. We've taken to leaving the lights on full time to discourage this. One year we let them nest there and agreed not to turn the light on. Then we went out of town for the weekend and our neighbor turned the light on, killed all the eggs and almost caused a fire.

I don't think nesting by the front door is a great idea, but it would be very hard to move the nest now. I actually got rid of the first one they built while they were in the process. Foolishly, I hung the heart back up. By the next morning, there was a completed nest with a resident. She plans to stay though. It takes a lot of commotion to make her take flight. Normal coming and going don't seem to bother her.

Posted by: Jordana at April 2, 2005 07:55 AM

That happened once to a wreath on our front door! We had to go in and out a different way for awhile. I LOVE the look of your front porch! So cozy.

Posted by: Kim at April 3, 2005 04:14 PM