May 02, 2005

I Yam What I Yam

I have always hated sweet potatoes. Blech. HATE THEM. I don't care how much sugar and junk you mix in, I don't like them one bit. Which is not to say I won't feed them to my children when they are babies, though The Boy and The Girl don't like sweet potatoes much now. We've done rice cereal and carrots and so I thought it was time to try The Baby on another new food. I grabbed a sweet potato at the grocery store to steam and mash up into baby food. But instead of an orange sweet potato, I bought a light yellow colored yam -- I was a little surprised when I started peeling the skin off. I steamed and mashed it and took a taste. Much to my amazement, it actually tasted good. Even without any salt, pepper, or butter, it was good. I never knew. I'm actually thinking about cooking them for dinner sometime.


You're crazy. They taste the same. And sweet potatoes are good! (Although I prefer them oven fried, not goo'ed up with sugar and marshmallows and junk).

Posted by: Frazier at May 2, 2005 09:42 AM

You should refrain on principle, if for no other reason. Yams are the devil's vegetable, spawned in the Underworld.

Posted by: Tony at May 2, 2005 12:24 PM

we used to say that about Tomatoes in my house as a kid. I've altered my stance a bit to allow for processed tomato products, but little short of death threats could get me to eat a raw tomato.

Posted by: skinnydan at May 4, 2005 08:01 AM

Having grown fresh cherry tomatoes for the last two summers, I've really grown to like ones that I get to pick straight off the plant. I can also take a raw tomato on sandwiches and stuff, but wouldn't go snacking on them all by themselves as some of my in-laws do.

Posted by: Jordana at May 4, 2005 08:08 AM