August 15, 2005
Don't Catch Like John Kerry
Don't Catch Like John Kerry
My husband and son have been playing ball a lot lately. Since it is so hot outside, these have mostly been indoor games, making me fear for the continued intactness of my ceiling fan and dishes. At five, I can already look at The Boy and predict with decent certainty that he will never be a great athlete. Which is fine. Neither are his parents.
We want him to be comfortable playing sports for fun, catching balls and just enjoy running around. We are teaching him how to throw and how to catch. The statement heard around here most often?
"Open your eyes. Don't turn your head. Don't catch like John Kerry."

That's a good one! Don't forget to tell him not to compete like John Carey either: don't play dirty or be a sore loser...
Posted by: Jason Berggren at August 15, 2005 02:04 PMLOL!!!
Posted by: chris at August 16, 2005 06:34 AM