December 02, 2005

Christmas Presents

Ugh. I'm done shopping for presents for people for whom I know what to get. The others -- well that's the problem. Some people I have no idea what to get for them. What do you get for a teenage boy that doesn't cost a fortune? What do my husband's grandparents, who don't need anything, need? What about my mother-in-law? What do you get for a third baby who has access to every toy under the sun and more clothes than anyone should have? I just don't know.

As for the older two kids, they should be pleased with their presents from us. The Boy is going to get a wooden castle and some knights, which I found on a very good sale. The Middle Girl will be getting a wooden dollhouse that comes with furniture and dolls. It came from Target via Goodwill, brand new, unopened and I stumbled across it on a day when all the tags of its color were 50% off. I know Meredith would approve. Because you can never have too many dolls though, I bought her some extra wooden doll house dolls that normally run $15 and up for $10 at TJ Maxx when I ran across them there (just in case anyone else is looking for doll house dolls at a good price).


This is what we do for adults:

It lets the giftee (?) select what charity they'd like to support with your gift.

Posted by: patricia at December 2, 2005 01:58 PM

Blah...don't envy you. I'm worrying over what to get my hubby for Christmas. Good luck.

Posted by: Chickadee at December 2, 2005 08:22 PM

Oh, oh!! Where did you find your castle, if I may ask? I have been looking for a wooden one for my boys. They, of course, have requested one with a dragon too. Don't know if I'll be able to fulfill that request.

Posted by: Tricia at December 3, 2005 12:04 AM

Tricia, this Melissa and Doug castle is what I got, but at the time I got it, Creative Brains was running all their knight stuff as their deal of the day and it was much less. They do have a combo deal where you get the castle and the knight dolls together at a slight sale price. Here's the castle at a better price than the store above currently has it.

Posted by: Jordana at December 3, 2005 08:54 AM

thanks, Jordana, for the great info. and for introducing me to Creative Brains. I'd never heard of them before and it turns out they also have a store a little ways from here. I'm sad I missed the Knights' special, but I've signed up for the Deal of the Day, so maybe next time! thanks again!

Posted by: Tricia at December 5, 2005 03:44 PM