December 04, 2005

So How Was the Art Show?

I know you are all waiting anxiously to hear how it went. Riiiiight...

Perhaps not, but I shall tell you nonetheless. It went very well. It could have been better, I sold no paintings, but I did sell two of the three fairy wands I brought, as well as the swords, and most of the notecards. I'm not going to be supporting the family on my earnings, but without subtracting for expenses, I brought home a little over $100. Subtracting for expenses, I'm pretty sure I didn't make anything, which will make my income taxes easier at least.

I heard lots of nice things and there were a couple of nibbles at paintings, one couple who really liked the red sunflower, except they said the flower was facing the wrong way for their room, another woman who wanted to buy the same painting, but her boyfriend thoguht it was too feminine, and another woman who would have bought the daffodils had she had any extra money to spend.

Another lady ordered three fairy wands and three padded swords. I have to get the materials to make them and do it quickly. I'm a big slacker, so working fast is not my strong suit. But I think I can make an exception for a large order.

All in all, it was pretty fun and I think I'll probably try to sign up to do the show again next year, if I can make myself do some more paintings and all.


BRAVO! Compliments and sales registers as a success in my book... (profit be darned!) I'm a big fan of the artist's journey. Glad to see yours is going well.

Posted by: Nikki at December 5, 2005 10:47 AM

Congratulations, Jordana! Sounds like it was an accomplishment doing it, selling somethings and stepping out of the usual box. It's always good to do that.

Posted by: Jennifer at December 5, 2005 11:51 AM

My favorite is the day lily? Email me if you have it and want to sell it and for how much!

Posted by: blair at December 5, 2005 12:24 PM

Congratulations! I'm sure there are a lot of us blog friends out there who wish we could have dropped in on your show.

Posted by: Another Jordana at December 6, 2005 09:36 AM