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May 30, 2006
Taking It Easy (Sort Of)
Taking It Easy (Sort Of)
I admit it. I'm not at all good at taking it easy. I am pretty good at drinking water though and so I'm doing fine. (If I need to drink a lot of fluids to keep this baby inside and happy, can I say that my child is driving me to drink?)
I think Saturday was pretty uneventful. At least, I have no recollection of anything that happened.
Sunday, after church and lunch, we packed up the family and went to the Renaissance Festival going on south of here. We have always said we wanted to go, but have missed it every year. When The Boy heard about it though, he was bound and determined to get there. He dressed in his favorite tunic, chainmail (fabric) cowl and helmet. The Middle Girl wore pink from head to toe (which, I should note, is not unusual) and dressed as a sort of fairy/ballerina/princess hybrid. The rest of the family wore normal clothing.

Fortunately for all of us, we got there after the Sunday afternoon thunderstorms and because the site was almost entirely tree-covered, we didn't suffer too much in the heat. Although Renaissance Faires do attract more than the usual amount of tattooed, pierced walking freak shows, it was still a really fun family trip, with lots of things to see and do. The Boy really enjoyed going through a maze and riding on a camel, while The Middle Girl thought the historically questionable castle moon bounce was the best.

I indulged my inner princess by buying myself a little crown and Justin tried his hand at knife throwing. I think that career change to assassin might have to wait a little while, but I don't really consider that to be a problem.
On Memorial Day, our neighborhood has a big block party on our street. Our kids find it about on par with Christmas and were downstairs, fully dressed and screaming by 6 a.m. The actual block party doesn't begin until 11, but since we always help get things set up, we started in around 9.
The kids ran themselves ragged and I took several trips inside the house to cool off and drink a large glass of water. Although lots of fun and a nice chance to hang out with neighbors, I was more than ready for the whole thing to be over when 2 o'clock finally rolled around.
Today will definitely be a resting day for me. There's nothing that has to be done and I'm glad for it.
You are one fine story-teller. Always bring a grin to my face. :)
Posted by: melissa at May 30, 2006 08:10 AMGood for you!
Put your feet up and stay cool.
Sounds like a fun weekend!
Posted by: mary at May 30, 2006 08:43 AMNot to get negative or nuthin', but I just do not care for those Rennaisance fairs. I can see going if the kidlets have a good time.
What bothers me is the people who get "into character" and try to act all medieval. It makes me want to whop one of those turkey drumsticks upside their head. Prithee, get outeth my face!
Hmmm, this could be developed into a Monty Python sketch ...
[Hope you get to feeling better. Maybe some nice person could make fresh-squeezed lemonade for you.]
Posted by: Spud at May 30, 2006 10:03 AMMarc, I think the whole Medieval/Renaissance dress-up thing is weird for grown-ups (and as an aside, I've often wondered why it doesn't get called a Medieval Faire, because they leave the Renaissance out of it entirely). Also, there was a booth selling devil-type horns that were being worn around by a large number of the costumed people, leading one to wonder how they would have felt being burned as heretics. However, it really was fun and my kids really enjoyed it and were already talking about wanting to go again next year. On top of that, one of my earliest memories is of going to a similar festival out in California when I was about 4. So it must be something of which pleasurable memories are made.
Posted by: Jordana at May 30, 2006 10:13 AMEveryone knows that modern assassins don't throw knives. So, I think Justin should keep the dream alive!
Posted by: Frazier at May 30, 2006 12:03 PMhahaha
Jordana, you crack me up.
I saw an episode of Wife Swap where the people were all into that stuff.
It was weird.
If I really did that show I can only imagine what I would get stuck with.
Posted by: Mary at May 30, 2006 05:13 PMHow fun! I've never gone before and my oldest girl was just mentioning last week that she wanted to go...then we forgot (and I was sick). Maybe next year!
Posted by: Kim at May 31, 2006 12:04 AM