October 12, 2006

Nothing Wrong With Her Comprehension

Yesterday I was driving in the car when the two girls got in an argument and began chanting back and forth at each other -- "Naughty Middle Girl" and "Naughty Toddler Girl." Eventually I had enough and told them to knock it off and that the word naughty was no longer to be spoken. Undeterred, the Toddler Girl said, "Okay. Stupid Middle Girl."

So, as the title says, her comprehension is excellent. I just wish her vocabulary weren't so highly developed.


I suppose this is one reason to be glad Jay's speech is coming along relatively slowly... He's not much beyond the pointing and naming stage. No editorial adjectives yet!

Posted by: Lenise at October 12, 2006 08:57 AM

Our first born didn't have these kinds of conversations. None of this was learned from parents, but older siblings are very good at teaching their little brothers and sisters things you didn't want them to know -- from climbing to name calling.

Posted by: Jordana at October 12, 2006 09:01 AM