November 01, 2006
Today is not just the day after Halloween or All Saint's Day. Here it is most commonly remembered as The Younger Girl's birthday. She's two. Which means she's got a strong will, sweet smiles and a personality that makes you fall in love.

She never misses anything. She sees all and she says all. She talks almost constantly. Much of what she says is sweet, but also repetative and as I've mentioned before, she has learned many things from her older siblings that they didn't know at the tender age of two. She doesn't seem to understand that at only two she shouldn't think she can do everything a six year old and four year old can do. Not that that stops her. She's in the fray and part of everything that goes on around here.
The Younger Girl sings and loves music. Every afternoon before her nap, she wants to hear "My Bonny Lies Over the Ocean" and "You Are My Sunshine." She wants a repeat of the latter at bedtime. I love it when she sings to me in return and it surprises me how much of the lyrics and tunes she remembers from songs we sing around the house.
Just a little less than two years ago, I was surprised and upset by the appearance of a hemangioma in the middle of her forehead. I had never seen such a thing before and all I wanted was for someone to get that thing off of my little girl. At the same time, I did not want to subject her to cosmetic surgery just for my own vanity. The birthmark is still there, but just as the doctors told us, it is shrinking and fading away. If she ever grows some hair, the birthmark really will be almost invisible under bangs. I'm glad it is disappearing, but I'm certain I also needed the lesson in learning to worry less about appearance and remember just how wonderful and beautiful she has always been even when the red mark was at its largest.
Happy birthday, you adorable little two year old!

Two years already? She is adorable!
Posted by: Diane at November 1, 2006 01:32 PMHappy Birthday, Smiley! Does she like to play on the sit and spin, or is this picture posed? Very cute costumes!
Posted by: Frazier at November 1, 2006 02:00 PMThe Sit and Spin has been very popular with all three children able to sit up and spin. In fact, I've had to give them timed turns, because they all want to be on it at the same time.
Posted by: Jordana at November 1, 2006 02:06 PMTimeless toy. It was that much fun in the 1970s too.
Posted by: Frazier at November 1, 2006 06:42 PMDo they have to wait a half hour after meals before sit-n-spin? That smile is a real heart-stealer, where she looks like she says "CHEE!" for each photo.
Love the "gimme candy" approach that she used for Halloween. That's better than "trick or treat", because who would want a trick?
Posted by: Marc V at November 2, 2006 07:49 AMI'm late as usual, but tell her Happy Birfdy for me!
Posted by: Terry Oglesby at November 2, 2006 12:47 PMWhat a cutie! Happy Birthday from us!
Posted by: angie at November 2, 2006 01:29 PMMy two-year-old has a birthmark on her forehead too- I guess it's the same thing- It's supposed to fade away, but it's taken longer than I'd hoped. Still, I generally forget it's even there. She had bangs, but I let them grow out. Just wanted you to know you're not alone. :)
Happy birthday!
Posted by: Suburban Turmoil at November 3, 2006 04:46 PMShe's a bonny one, all right :-)
Happy B-day to her ;-) and Happy Mother's Day to you, dear lady.
Posted by: Patricia at November 4, 2006 06:05 PM