June 18, 2008

My Husband Will Be Saying, "I Told You So."

I learned a lesson yesterday. I'm getting older. I'm very enormously pregnant (maybe I'll show you a picture, but maybe I won't). All those old joints are pretty wobbly at this point. Lesson learned? Maybe mowing the yard with your lovely new Scotts Reel Mower in the ninth month of pregnancy isn't such a good idea. I had no intention of mowing the whole yard and I felt totally fine while pushing the mower around the yard, but I definitely felt it later that night and I haven't recovered yet. I'm moving very, very slowly today.

I guess walking the baby out is not the way to go.


You poor thing take some rest!

Posted by: Kelsey at June 18, 2008 10:46 PM

You are quite the trooper! Pregnant ladies shouldn't be mowing the lawn. I know us women can be mighty strong, but kick your heals up and get some rest. I shouldn't talk, I assembled my first child's crib and changing table when I 8 months pregnant. I made my husband feel a little guilty so he put together a baby dresser, which when I bought had no idea it was all in peices. Atleast I got out of that one.

Posted by: Melissa at June 19, 2008 10:59 AM

I had lunch with Meredith this week and said I was going to mow that afternoon when I got home because I couldn't seem to get my hubby to do it. She said you had done it and regretted it. I didn't do it...more out of laziness than anything else but glad that I skipped it. Hope you are back to what passes as normal now!

Posted by: Michelle at June 20, 2008 09:18 PM