January 12, 2009
Half a Year
Half a Year

It's very hard for me to believe, but it has been half a year since this little one was born.
She has a nasty habit of waking up around 1:30 in the morning and she's a much more vocal advocate of attachment parenting than I am, but her smiles have a way of brightening the room and making her mama, her daddy and all her siblings melt into a puddle.
Oh, but she's adorable!
Posted by: Bridge at January 12, 2009 04:59 PMOh so cute! just want to scoop her up and snuggle.
Posted by: Sarah G. at January 12, 2009 09:50 PMThat's one good looking Adams gal! When you see someone that precious and hold her in your arms, it's no wonder you get the urge to have another ;) . Don't know if that would help the saner existence plan from the previous post, though. It's good you've blocked time out for prayer, and I hope I can use you as an example for what I need to do as well.
Posted by: MarcV at January 12, 2009 10:48 PMVery cute!
Posted by: Jennifer at January 14, 2009 09:25 AMSo sweet! Our littlest will be a yearling in less than a month!! He's waking up between 11 and 1, so she's already got him beat!
Posted by: Lenise at January 14, 2009 03:58 PMSo cute! She reminds me of her brother, P, in this picture. What happened to all that hair she was born with, anyway!?!
Posted by: Frazier at January 15, 2009 10:52 AMOh what a sweetie! Is she coming to Blissdom again? Because I know that I'll be missing my babe after a couple of hours.
Posted by: Michelle Smiles at January 16, 2009 10:39 PMWhat a cutie! Happy half-year birthday, little person.
Posted by: Jordana at January 21, 2009 02:53 AM