August 30, 2004

Worn Out!

I had a weekend to rival those of the Oglesby family. Friday night was okay. We stayed in, had a family movie night and got through a little over half of The Sound of Music before The Boy zonked out. Saturday was the big day.

It is strange how people who never have any social commitments at all can find themselves suddenly innundated with things to do. Social stuff never spaces itself out nicely over several weeks, but instead it happens all at once, so that it cannot be enjoyed and savored at leisure. Saturday morning found us rushing off to the park for a Young Lawyers with Children "picnic" from 10-12. When Justin scheduled that, we had nothing else to do, but decided in August the earlier one gets out to play the better.

That turned out to also be good, because from 12-2 we had a potluck at George's school for everyone that goes there and their families. Waldorf schools like to get people outside into nature as much as possible and this had been scheduled as a picnic, but we'd had rain in the morning and there were still threatening clouds, so they held it indoors. A few people wanted to move it back out when the clouds started disappating, but I was quite glad for the air-conditioning myself.

After the potluck, we went home and then Justin went out to pick his grandmother up at the airport. When they got back, The Girl was napping and The Boy and I went to a birthday party for one of our neighbors.

When I'd put The Girl down for her nap she had some blotches over her eyes, when I got home from the birthday party she had raised blotches all over her face and it looked like she'd gotten a broken nose. Obviously she's allergic to something, but she wasn't having what the nurse termed a "severe reaction" -- she wasn't wheezing or itching, so we gave her Benedryl and just kept an eye on her.

Justin's grandmother took us out for Indian food that night -- Chicken Tikka Masala, Chicken Sagwala, Biryani and Mango Lassis all around (overwise known as heavenly food). The Girl continued to look like she'd been knocked around, but felt fine.

Sunday morning, she was better, though she kept the slightly bruised look around the eyes. We made it to church on time for once -- had a light lunch and then Justin's aunt and uncle came to get his grandmother and take her home to Kentucky.

They brought us ten cucumbers and almost as many patty-pan squash. We gave most of the cucumbers away at evening worship -- though we optimistically kept four for ourselves. Justin's aunt and uncle are big Atkins-ers and swore that frying the squash up like hashbrowns would result in something almost exactly like potatoes. Not quite, I am here to report. Not that the squash were bad exactly, but they were not hash-browned potatoes and the kids wouldn't have anything to do with them after an initial taste.

Now the week has begun, The Boy is off at Day Two of school and the carpenter is supposed to be here any minute to begin work on putting in our new backdoor. Tomorrow I'll be officially thirty weeks along -- which for those of you not in the know means I'm only tens from my due date. Yikes.


So were either of yours early? I keep hoping mine might beat the due date...

Posted by: Lenise at August 30, 2004 10:07 AM

The Boy came three days after his due date. The Girl was induced a few days early, because her brother was oversized (9lbs. 2 oz) and had a head in the 95th percentile. We're not sure what we'll be doing this time around.

Posted by: Jordana at August 30, 2004 10:27 AM

I've never really thought of it that way, but big-headed babies would be painful. I'll keep praying for your (and the baby's!) continued good health through round three of the Adam's Family Baby Factory.

I hope grandma was not too disappointed in her grandkid's faces over the fried squash. Lady Spud and I go overboard coaching our youngster to be polite if he does not like a particular dish, but they still end up with the loud comments, distorted faces and occasionally spitting food back on the plate.

Posted by: MarcV at August 30, 2004 11:10 AM

What's this world coming to when you can't get people to eat fried squash!?

I have to admit, though, that it's a far cry from hashbrowns.

We get yellow crookneck squash, cut it into rounds, dredge in corn meal, and drop it in hot oil. Mmm. I'm hungry. Again.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at August 30, 2004 03:29 PM

Fried squash with a cormeal coating is one thing, but fried squash pretending to be hashbrowns is another. Actually, my kids are not big on squash period. We make them take a taste and then tell them their mouths probably aren't grown up enough for it yet.

Posted by: Jordana at August 30, 2004 03:34 PM

I guess if they didn't like squash for hash browns you probably shouldn't try to sneak the cauliflower as mashed potatoes by them either.

Posted by: LittleA at August 31, 2004 10:58 AM

Since I'm not doing Atkins, I think I'll stick with my beloved potatoes anyway. :)

Posted by: Jordana at August 31, 2004 11:12 AM