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January 06, 2005

Book Meme

Via Tulipgirl. Copy the list, then remove from it the names of any authors not in your home library, replacing them with names of a few authors you do have. Boldface the ones you’ve added.

1. C. S. Lewis
2. Franz Kafka
3. Henry James
4. Jane Austen
5. Sir Walter Scott
6. Florence King
7. Dr. Seuss
8. Douglas Adams
9. Geoffrey Chaucer
10. William Shakespeare

On this list, we don't have much overlap, although I suspect we'd have more of the same authors than this list shows. Since my computer sits between two overflowing 7 foot tall bookcases, I had my choice of a lot of authors. I chose the ones that caught my eyes first.


Ahh, we have more overlap that a quick meme would show. . .

Of *course* we have Dr. Suess! *L* I don't currently have any Douglas Adams, but I sure was tempted when I was in the bookstore on Wednesday. And I like Florence King, though she's in storage. (And don't care for Jane Austen though she's on the shelf. . .)

Posted by: TulipGirl at January 7, 2005 06:05 AM

1. C.S. Lewis
2. J.R.R. Tolkein
3. Robert Ludlum
4. Robert Jordan
5. Piers Anthony
6. Umberto Eco
7. Dr. Seuss
8. Douglas Adams
9. Chaim Potok
10. William Shakespeare

Posted by: LittleA at January 7, 2005 01:39 PM