July 27, 2005

Making New Friends

But so much for The Boy's friends. I got to meet another "Internet stalker friend" as my husband calls them. Meredith from Like Merchant Ships and I met up at the library for story time. She brought a snack for the kids to share and they ran around while we talked and discovered many mutual acquaintances and even a shared ex-boyfriend! Nashville really is a small town. It's fun to make new friends and so far I've only had good experiences meeting up with various people I've "met" first on-line. Hooray for new friends.


At first I was a little surprised by our mutual ex-boyfriend, but then I realized it only means we share the same good taste. He always did like the smart girls ;)


Posted by: Meredith at July 28, 2005 07:51 AM

Wow, that is funny! Of course, I only have one real ex-boyfriend. There were a couple of other guys I dated for a while, but not long enough to attain "ex-boyfriend" status. So that might freak me out.

Posted by: Lenise at July 28, 2005 08:29 AM