May 16, 2006

The Weekend

It wasn't exactly a long weekend for us, but because some wonderful friends of ours were in town yesterday on their way from Sewanee back home to Connecticut, I had a busy day and no time to sit down at the computer.

Although we got very little work done other than cutting the grass, planting the last of the herbs and annual flowers and sweeping a little more sand into the dry laid bricks around our gate and arbor, it was a very full and busy weekend. Saturday morning we went to the zoo with my brother-in-law and his wife and then had lunch at their place.

That evening we had a potluck for The Boy's class at our house. It was supposed to be at a nearby park unless rain threatened, but the park was completely full of other people, so it moved to our house. That was fine. It meant the kids were contained in a fenced in yard and that food people didn't want to take home got left for us (mmm...cupcakes...) We kicked all the Kindergarten revelers out around seven o'clock though, because Justin and I had a date. We went to a nice little restaurant and then wandered around a bookstore for an hour. It was definitely fun to get out by ourselves, although I would have wished that everything hadn't been piled onto the same day.

Sunday was full of church, of course, and Mother's Day. Mother's Day is not a holiday which I consider to be a big deal, but The Boy made me a lovely necklace at school and drew me a card (with hydrangea blossoms in the picture -- he specified). As usual, because I'm the bad daughter, I only remembered to call my mother. I actually did buy a present (some flowers she'll enjoy in her garden, but I haven't gotten them to her yet). Sunday night we had a Bible study and another potluck at our house. Again, we got the leftovers (yay, donuts!).

Monday, as I said, our college friends turned Yankees came to see us. Justin worked from home in the morning so he could be here. They have two adorable little boys, one we'd never met and the other not met since he was a teeny baby. It's sad that so many of our good friends are so far away and spread out, but it is nice to get together and be reminded again what good friends we have all over the world.

Coming up next -- the pictures I promised last week.
