October 11, 2006

Ancient Money

The Boy was absolutely thrilled with the tooth fairy. He ran into our room bright and early proclaiming that she had come and had left him an ancient dollar coin.

Later he told us that the coin (a 1978 Eisenhower silver dollar) was of the type that Laura and Mary Ingalls might have seen. We're still working on history timelines...

He told his little sisters that the tooth fairy turns herself and her belongings into air to enter the house, turns back into a solid, magically exchanges the tooth for the coin and note, and then turning back into air, slips back out of the house. Sounds even more complicated than going up and down a chimney, but what do I know?

My favorite line of the morning though, has to be, "I love my new dollar. Dollar coins like this are very rare in these post-modern times."


That, of course, is because money is simply the westernized white man's way of dominating the other, that is, when a new paradigmatic hunter-gatherer, naturist ur-man develops, money will be seen for the heuristic, solipsistic, meso-differentia that it is.

Posted by: skinnydan at October 11, 2006 08:29 AM

And really--with all this excitement over a dollar, is there any need for a $20 tooth fairy? Absolutely Not!! I believe we will summon the same tooth fairy when our turn comes!

Posted by: Amy at October 11, 2006 09:23 AM

Currency is rather passe, when you think about it. That's why most tooth fairies now leave gift cards. Still, it is comforting to know that although such coinage is rare in postmodern society, the seems to be no sense of irony that the tooth fairy still manages to be so ubiquitous.

Posted by: Terry Oglesby at October 11, 2006 09:58 AM

Our tooth fairy, when she actually gets around to doing her job, alternates between a dollar bill and state quarters.

Posted by: Sarah G. at October 11, 2006 11:30 AM

Precocious young'un.

Posted by: Another Jordana at October 11, 2006 12:25 PM