November 07, 2006
Election Day
Election Day
I haven't actually gotten to vote yet. First I forgot to take advantage of early voting. And while I've gone out and driven past my polling station twice this morning, the lines were long enough that I decided to wait until I didn't have to vote with four children in tow. I'll get there eventually.
In the meantime, I thought I share this little bit of political profiling (not to mention profiling of other sorts) that was left on all the houses in our neighborhood the other day.

You can click on the image to enlarge it.
The small text reads, "So much is riding on your vote. Money for classrooms instead of war. Retirement security for our elderly. Good jobs to keep our young people off the streets and out of trouble."
Take a ride ... as the Dems hike the minimum wage, resulting in less buying power (so much for the dollar menu at McDonald's and Wendy's) as well as less jobs for getting those "yutes" off of the streets. It's trouble alright. Retirement security for the elderly = higher taxes.
Some pride.
Posted by: Marc V at November 7, 2006 03:04 PM